It's a raining collections for Shahrukh Khan-Deepika Padukone starrer Chennai Express, which has continued to keep the bells ringing at the worldwide Box Office. The collection of the Rohit Shetty-directed film has crossed Rs 200 crore mark in the global market in just six days. The film has beaten the previous record of Salman Khan's Ek Tha Tiger, which had taken more than 10 days to surpass this mark. Chennai Express, which released in 3,500+ screens in domestic mark on August 9, opened to an overwhelming response and collected Rs 100.42 crores nett at the Indian Box Office in the first weekend. The movie, which continued to rock on weekdays, has collected Rs 34.37 crores from its screenings on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Now, its six-day domestic total stands at Rs 134.79 crores nett.
The Shahrukh Khan-Deepika Padukone starrer released in 700+ screens in 11 foreign countries. Chennai Express collected Rs 50.47 crores nett at the International Box Office in the first weekend. The movie has also done superb business on weekdays by collecting approximately Rs 20 crores nett. Now, its six-day overseas total stands at Rs 70.47 crores nett. Chennai Express has collected a total of Rs 205.26 crores nett at the worldwide Box Office in six days. Today (August 15) happens to be a national holiday in India and trade expert feel that the movie will surely collect Rs 30+ crores in the domestic Box Office on the seventh day, taking its global total close to Rs 250 crore mark in the first week.
The Shahrukh Khan-Deepika Padukone starrer released in 700+ screens in 11 foreign countries. Chennai Express collected Rs 50.47 crores nett at the International Box Office in the first weekend. The movie has also done superb business on weekdays by collecting approximately Rs 20 crores nett. Now, its six-day overseas total stands at Rs 70.47 crores nett. Chennai Express has collected a total of Rs 205.26 crores nett at the worldwide Box Office in six days. Today (August 15) happens to be a national holiday in India and trade expert feel that the movie will surely collect Rs 30+ crores in the domestic Box Office on the seventh day, taking its global total close to Rs 250 crore mark in the first week.
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