Salman Khan’s hit-and- run case is adjourned till September 5. The star actor is being tried for culpable homicide not amounting to murder after charges were framed against him by the Mumbai session court earlier in July. The court has already exempted Salman from appearing in every hearing, though he has to be present in the court whenever asked to do so.
Salman’s case will now be heard by a new judge. The star actor might have to face ten years of imprisonment if found guilty. He has also been charged under sections 279 (for rash and negligent driving), and 337 and 338 (causing grievous hurt), which could have cost him only two years of jail but now the star is being tried for much more severe charges
Dabangg Khan is going through all these legal troubles as he has been charged for allegedly driving his car over a group of people sleeping on the footpath outside a bakery in suburban Bandra. One person died and four others were injured in the accident that took place eleven years back. The arguments are still going on in the court and the time will only tell whether the star gets any kind of relief or not.
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