The latest buzz in B-town is that actor Salman Khan has broken up with alleged girlfriend Iulia Vantur. Till recently, the couple was creating lot of buzz as they were often spotted together. Their pictures were leaked online. In one picture, they were at a picnic together and another picture that was doing rounds was them at a restaurant having meal with some family members of Salman Khan and his friends.
After Salman Khan ended his relationship with Katrina Kaif, he was seen in the company of Iulia Vantur. Vantur is a TV actress and presenter. Ever since their relationship came out in public, there has been speculations on the marital status of Vantur with some reports suggesting that she is already married to a German musician. However, Iulia has not spoken about the issue.
After Salman Khan ended his relationship with Katrina Kaif, he was seen in the company of Iulia Vantur. Vantur is a TV actress and presenter. Ever since their relationship came out in public, there has been speculations on the marital status of Vantur with some reports suggesting that she is already married to a German musician. However, Iulia has not spoken about the issue.
Quoting a source, Mid-Day reports, "Iulia apparently is married to a Grammy nominated musician Marius Moga. When she was confronted about it, she kept denying the allegations. That was when Salman's family decided to step in and take charge of the situation."
According to the report, Salman Khan was with his close friend Baba Siddiqui on Eid and reportedly Iulia has already gone back to Romania.
There is no official confirmation on this yet
According to the report, Salman Khan was with his close friend Baba Siddiqui on Eid and reportedly Iulia has already gone back to Romania.
There is no official confirmation on this yet
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