Recently Kiran Rao presented Ship of Theseus and now Kjo is coming up with Irrfan Khan starrer The Lunchbox. Karan has said that the film has a potential to make it to the Oscars. He said, “As far as Oscars is concerned, it is not up to us. It's (the decision is) upon the FFI (Film Federation of India). We can only communicate. They (FFI) have a certain positioning when they choose they look into potential world cinema films.”
Karan quoted, “There are films which are most superior in content, absolutely brilliant in its storytelling. When I saw 'The Lunchbox' I wished that my name was associated with it, and that has happened.” He added, “I feel proud seeing such a film as an audience member and a filmmaker because I know that I am not capable of making such a film. So if my name gets associated in this way, then I am happier and I think it's a good way forward for the company.”
The Lunchbox is releasing in India on September 20 and will be released worldwide by the end of this year or later. The flick has already bagged Critics Week Viewers Choice Award at the 66th Cannes Film Festival. The film features Irrfan Khan, Nimrat Kaur and Nawazuddin Siddiqui in the lead roles. It is directed by debutant Ritesh Batra. The Lunchbox’s Hindi title is Dabba and is produced by Anurag Kashyap, Guneet Monga and Arun Rangachari.
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