Despite a rocking start in Bollywood, Sunny Leone is not having an easy time with her current movie. The actress has been asked to allot more dates to re-shoot some scenes of Ekta Kapoor's movie and is allegedly not being compensated for the same.
Reports suggest that Ekta Kapoor'd film has already crossed its budget and the crew wants to rework on some portions of the film after they were not very satisfied with it. The crew wanted to re-shoot some scenes in the second half of the movie.
However, this did n't go well down with Sunny Leone as she had to give more dates without being paid extra. While both Ekta and Sunny's husband Daniel Weber have denied it, our attempts to reach Sunny were not successful.
Reports suggest that Ekta Kapoor'd film has already crossed its budget and the crew wants to rework on some portions of the film after they were not very satisfied with it. The crew wanted to re-shoot some scenes in the second half of the movie.
However, this did n't go well down with Sunny Leone as she had to give more dates without being paid extra. While both Ekta and Sunny's husband Daniel Weber have denied it, our attempts to reach Sunny were not successful.
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